FULL MOON rituals are a powerful way to harness the potent energy of the lunar cycle. These rituals can help you release what no longer serves you, gain clarity, and set intentions for the future. Here are some Full Moon rituals you can perform:
1. Cleansing Ritual
Materials: Sage, Palo Santo, or incense; a candle
Preparation: Light a candle and your chosen cleansing tool (sage, Palo Santo, or incense).
Cleansing Space: Walk around your space, allowing the smoke to cleanse each room. Focus on corners and areas that feel stagnant.
Cleansing Yourself: Waft the smoke around your body, visualizing any negative energy being cleared away.
Set Intention: As you cleanse, state your intention to release negativity and invite positivity into your space and life.
2. Releasing Ritual
Materials: Paper, pen, a fireproof container, matches or a lighter
Write Down Release List: Write down everything you want to release—negative thoughts, habits, relationships, fears, etc.
Reflection: Take a moment to reflect on each item on your list and the reason you want to let it go.
Burning: Safely burn the paper in the fireproof container, visualizing the release of these burdens as the smoke rises.
Affirmation: State affirmations or prayers, affirming the release and welcoming positive changes.
3. Moon Bathing
Materials: A comfortable place outside or near a window, a blanket
Find a Spot: Find a comfortable spot where you can sit or lie down under the moonlight.
Relax and Meditate: Close your eyes and breathe deeply, allowing the moon's energy to wash over you.
Visualization: Visualize the moonlight cleansing and rejuvenating your mind, body, and spirit.
Gratitude: Spend a few moments in gratitude for the blessings in your life and the support of the lunar energy.
4. Crystal Charging
Materials: Crystals, a soft cloth or natural surface
Select Crystals: Choose crystals you feel connected to or those that need recharging.
Placement: Place the crystals outside or on a windowsill where they can absorb the moonlight.
Intention Setting: Set an intention for each crystal, focusing on what you want it to help you with.
Leave Overnight: Leave the crystals out overnight to soak in the Full Moon's energy.
5. Full Moon Water
Materials: A glass jar or bottle, water, a lid
Fill the Jar: Fill a glass jar or bottle with water.
Set Outside: Place the jar outside or on a windowsill where it can absorb the moonlight.
Intention: Set an intention for the water, focusing on what you want to manifest or heal.
Use the Water: Use the moon-charged water for drinking, watering plants, or in a bath over the next few days.
6. Meditation and Journaling
Materials: Journal, pen, comfortable seating
Meditate: Begin with a meditation to center yourself and connect with the Full Moon’s energy.
Journal: Write down your thoughts, feelings, and any insights that come up. Focus on what you have accomplished and what you want to manifest.
Gratitude List: Create a list of things you are grateful for, enhancing your positive mindset.
7. Setting Intentions
Materials: Paper, pen, a small bowl, seeds or symbolic items
Write Intentions: Write down your intentions for the coming lunar cycle, focusing on what you want to manifest and achieve.
Symbolic Planting: Place the paper in a bowl and cover it with seeds or another symbolic item.
Nurturing: As you care for the seeds or symbolic items over the next month, visualize your intentions growing and coming to fruition.
These seven Full Moon rituals can help you harness the potent energy of the Full Moon facilitating deep transformation, healing, and the manifestation of your deepest desires.
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LISSABETA KALAG is an 🌎 INTERNATIONAL Vedic Astrologer, Psychic Medium, Spiritual Mentor & Life Coach 💫
Her SUPERPOWER ✊️ is Making PREDICTIONS 🌠 Healing RELATIONSHIPS 💖 Transforming PAIN 🔥 Growing Your MINDSET🌳💫
🔥What happens when you are facing a crossroad, a brick wall or fell ten feet deep into shyt?
Typically, most people are unsure of the appropriate course of action because they lack clarity and depth of the situation or lack the awareness of the root cause. The problem may arise due to triggered childhood experiences, your psychological-mental-emotional makeup, external pressure, misinformation, confusion, trauma, karma, spiritual matters, relationship synastry, planetary transits, etc.
With over 14yrs of experience as a Spiritual Mentor, including knowledge and practice of Vedic Astrology, Tarot, Chaldean Numerology, Spiritual Healing, the Metaphysical and her unique Holistic approach to Wellness, she provides the following:
➡️ Mind-Blowing Accurate Predictions
➡️ Advice On How To Unf*k your Mind And Create A Master Mindset
through the analysis of your Astrological Natal Chart
➡️. Personal and Practical Remedies according to your Astrological
Natal Chart
➡️ Personal Empowerment & Transformation
➡️ Mind, Body, Soul Healing
➡️ Restoration of Emotional Wellness through Counseling
➡️ Relationship (Professional, Personal, Intrapersonal) Coaching with
➡️ Career Coaching with Strategies
➡️ Building Your Self-Worth
➡️ Expanding Your Self-Awareness
➡️ Recommendations On How To Set Up A Daily Mindset
➡️ Creating Clear Objectives And A Sweeping Reality Check
➡️ Providing Homework, Tools and Exercises To Help Process Your
Current Situation And Work Towards Achieving Your Desired Goal
➡️ Reconciliation Of The Past, and Preparation For The Future
➡️ Aligning with Your Life’s Purpose
➡️ Clearing Karma
➡️ And So Much More!
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