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Solar Eclipse Predictions April 20 2023

Writer: AstroDeviAstroDevi

If you haven't already, visit my blog posts to learn more about Eclipses here:

This Solar Eclipse is packing a major punch! Its extraordinary. Its huge and will have very significant results in whatever house Aries is placed in your natal chart. So whether or not any of your natal planets are aspected, by this Eclipse, you will still feel this Eclipse's energies manifest throughout the rest of 2023 and in a good way. I will explain more further into this blog below. Eclipses will take up to 6 months to fully manifest results. Sometimes as far as a year. This Solar Eclipse is 5 degrees in Aries in the nakshatra of Ashwini. Sun is exalted in Aries. There is a conjunction with Mercury 21 degrees and Uranus 23 degrees in Aries. Mercury and Mars are in a parivartana yoga (mutual exchange). The Eclipse has a square with Pluto 6 degrees. Saturn 10 degrees in Aquarius has a full aspect to Aries with a sextile to Rahu(North node) 9 degrees and trine to Ketu (South Node) 9 degrees. Neptune 2 degrees is semisextile to the Solar Eclipse 5 degrees. Jupiter 29 degrees is in gandanta in Pisces in Revati.

Mercury 21 degrees will go retrograde in Aries on April 21, 2023 until May 14, 2023.

Jupiter enters Aries on April 21, 2023.

Saturn in Capricorn will aspect Aries until it changes signs on March 29, 2025.

The Eclipse in Ashwini Nakshatra is ruled by Ketu (South Node). Its the first nakshatra in the zodiac according to Sidereal Vedic Astrology. Its symbol is the horses head and is called "the star of transport." Ashwini relates to beginnings, pioneering, initiation, proactiveness, healing, transportation, adventure, prana, life force, childbirth, miracles, etc. In whatever house Aries is placed in your natal chart, you will experience new changes, shifts of energy, birth of a new world in this area of your life. Globally we can all expect to enter into a new ERA, unchartered territory, an adventure. It's reminiscent of the Fool card in Tarot.

Be ready for new experiences because anything is possible. The world is your oyster.. It may be a bit intimidating, but you won't know what will happen until you give it a chance. Acknowledge any fears and just let them go.

The conjunction with Mercury 21 degrees and Uranus 23 degrees in Aries delivers life changing events and breakthroughs. You are breaking free from your old way of thinking and doing. Be willing to be bold and take risks. Expand your vision of the world. Surprise news is in store. Mercury is also the planet for identity. You may be changing the way others identify you or changing the way you want to be identified. Pay attention to genius ideas and follow through with them.

Mercury and Mars are in a parivartana yoga (mutual exchange) or Khala Parivartana Yoga when planetary lords are in a 3/11 relationship. Both Mars (1st & 8th house ruler) and Mercury (3rd & 6th house ruler) are dusthana lords. The energy here is action oriented, problem solving and initiates dexterity in the area of arts, sports or some other activity or skill. Mercury goes retrograde from April 21 to May 14, 2023. We can be revisiting the past, rediscovering an old talent, meeting with people from the past, re-evaluating or re-assessing our goals and commitments in order to help manifest the best possible outcome as a result of this Solar Eclipse.

The Eclipse has a square with Pluto 6 degrees. This is where we will go face to face with our fears, secrets, struggles, difficulties in order to transform them into opportunities that help us to regain our power and control over our lives. You may feel like you're going through a crisis, but you will come out with confidence.

Saturn 10 degrees in Aquarius has a full aspect to Aries with a sextile to Rahu(North node) 9 degrees and trine to Ketu (South Node) 9 degrees. Something will end or die out and something else will take place moving us into a new direction. Saturn will help us to build a solid foundation with boundaries and structures in a methodical way. You may find it easier to make commitments, put in the efforts and plan for the long term. Saturn in Capricorn will aspect Aries until it changes signs on March 29, 2025.

Neptune 2 degrees is semisextile to the Solar Eclipse 5 degrees. Neptune will help use to find out blind spots, question our faith and reveal to us something we didn't notice before. This is followed by clarity and in turn will provide us with opportunities to do something more creative.

Jupiter 29 degrees is in gandanta in Pisces in Revati. Initially the Eclipse presented us with energies that expressed difficulties, sorrow, pains, and challenges, but that all improves due to Jupiters transit into Aries. We should see more opportunities, expansion, optimism, faith, and wealth in the house that Aries sits in. But beware that Jupiter does come into conjunction with Rahu and so there are manipulative and confusion energies at play. Maintain daily prayers, mantras and positive spiritual exercise to avoid the risk of Rahu's energy.

Predictions for the Solar Eclipse 5* in Aries

Realizing your potential

Becoming independent

Advanced Technology

Advanced Healing Methods

Advanced Forms of Transportation (I strongly advise against electric cars)

Advanced Modes of communications

Advancements in birthing

Government admitting its been in communication with Aliens/ETs

Alien invasion

Major advancements with AI

Market and wealth manipulation

Stock Market Crisis/Crash

Economic Crisis

Enrollment of Digital Currency in US

Social Credit system begins.


Rebellions and revolutions

Radical movements

Political hostilities

* Keep in mind that Aries is a very important Astrological focal point for 2023 because of Jupiter, Rahu and Uranus's transits Aries, Saturn's aspect to Aries, Pluto's square to Aries, the Solar Eclipse April 20th and Lunar Eclipse October 28th/29th in 2023 both in Aries. Be sure to check out whatever house Aries sits in your natal chart as that house will experience the most significant changes in 2023. For more personal insights into your Vedic Astrology natal chart, schedule a consultation now.


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*Lissabeta Kalag is a Vedic Astrologer using the Sidereal system.


Love & Blessings,



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