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What Are Eclipses?

Writer: AstroDeviAstroDevi


Eclipses are an extraordinary phenomenon. Eclipses includes the movements of the Sun, Moon, and Nodes (Rahu and Ketu, the shadow planets). These celestial movements are very significant in both science and astrology. Eclipses are very important mathematical markers in the sky that suggests a turn-of-events effecting not only nature but the lives of humans. Eclipses are an interaction between the Earth, the Moon, the Sun and the Nodes (Rahu & Ketu).

A Solar Eclipse takes place during a New Moon and a Lunar Eclipse takes place during a Full Moon, but both are with a dose of steroids due to the power of the Nodes (Rahu & Ketu). All Eclipses happen at the New Moon (Solar Eclipse) or the Full Moon (Lunar Eclipse). However, not every New Moon or Full Moon creates an Eclipse. Rahu and Ketu (the Nodes aka Shadow Planets) are always opposite one another, and both the Sun and the Moon will be within a specific distance in degrees from these Nodes in order to create an Eclipse. Mathematically, A Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse can only take place when the New Moon and Full Moon are within 17 degrees of the Nodes (Rahu and Ketu (shadow planets)). The Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse happen in pairs and run two weeks apart from one another and then again six months later in a repeated pattern.

Eclipses are visible from different parts of the world. However, eclipses are not simultaneously visible from every part of the of the world. A Total Solar Eclipse will happen every 18 months but not in the same location. A Total Solar Eclipse will take place in the same location on average every 375 years. A Total Lunar Eclipse on average will happen more frequently than twice every three years. Every three and a half years, two Total Eclipses will take place within the same year and every 200 years, three Total Lunar Eclipses happen in the same year. Eclipses can happen between four to six times a year. In 2023 we have four Eclipses, However in 2029 we have as many as six Eclipses.


Partial Solar Eclipse: A portion of the Sun is covered. Annular Solar Eclipse: A “ring of fire” shines around the Moon, centered in front of the Sun.

Total Solar Eclipses: The Sun is fully covered by the Moon.

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: Moon passes through penumbra. Often mistaken for a regular Full Moon.

Partial Lunar Eclipse: Part of the Moon passes through umbra. Only part of the Moon's visible surface moves into the dark part of the Earth's shadow.

Total Lunar Eclipse: Moon passes entirely through umbra. Eclipse watchers can see the Moon turn dark orange/copper when the eclipse reaches totality.


According to Ancient Indian legend, an eclipse occurs when the shadowy demon Rahu/Ketu (Head and Body of the Dragon aka the Nodes) ruthlessly seeks revenge on the Sun and the Moon by consuming their light and luminous rays. The Sun and Moon’s pure, vibrant and creative energies gets warped up turning dark during the Eclipse and following few days. The myth behind the Eclipses do not create the most pleasurable picture. Eclipses are an inauspicious time to begin anything important or make important decisions about relationships, career, projects, business, marriage, projects, etc. Eclipses represent a time of darkness. It is said that unseen evils roam in the dark. Strange circumstances and people may appear. Which is why its highly advised to take extra caution during Eclipses. Remember that auspicious events are only planned during the light of a healthy Full Moon and under the Sun’s daylight.


Eclipses are major events that bring about fated change. They accelerate time, bring shocking revelations, grasp conclusions, sudden endings, new beginnings, cosmic interventions and more importantly they help us to align with our path and destinations. Eclipses help things to unfold more quickly. It’s very important to pay attention to what comes up during Eclipses. This is a period of growth that helps you to come out more aware, stronger and smarter. Do not fear Eclipses. However, do tread with caution. Eclipses effect different areas of life depending on your Ascendant, Moon signs and planetary placements. Learn how this years Eclipses impact your life by booking your next Vedic Astrology Consultation now.


April 20 Solar Eclipse (Total) 5* Aries in Ashwini

May 5-6 Lunar Eclipse (Penumbral) 20* Libra in Vishakha

October 14 Solar Eclipse (Annular) 27* Virgo in Chitra

October 28-29 Lunar Eclipse (Partial) 11* Aries in Ashwini

*Below are the Eclipse dates with Eclipse path diagrams.

~Look for my Blog posts on "Eclipse Do’s and Don’t’s" and "April 20, 2023 Solar Eclipse"

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*Lissabeta Kalag is a Vedic Astrologer using the Sidereal system.


Love & Blessings,



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